
Many psychologists become self-employed. They start their own business. Classically, this is a consulting organization, giving lectures and leading or supporting restructuring processes in companies.

Work and organizational psychologists are also predestined for self-employment. In addition to analyzing the workplace situation, they develop measures to reduce psychological stress in the workplace and to promote health. These may include employee training, more flexible work schedules, or the elimination of stressors such as noise or awkward postures. Work and organizational psychologists also take a preventative approach, holding lectures and workshops on topics such as burnout, stress, mobbing and addiction in the workplace. They also provide individual counseling to help people better cope with stress at work.

Portrait: Mag. Dr. Bardia Monshi


Neither at the beginning nor at the end of my studies did I have any idea what I would do as a psychologist one day. I started studying because I was interested in sports psychology, I ended up in a project researching the human-animal relationship, then as a clinical psychologist in a psychological-psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic in a geriatric center, I wrote my dissertation on transcultural psychology, and in parallel I gained a foothold in the field of training, coaching and consulting. Today, my wife, Dr. Verena Monshi and I run the Institute for Vital Psychology / iVip. We promote the mental, social and organizational vitality of people and organizations. Our clients from D-A-CH today include top athletes, CEOs and multinational companies. The soul is a vast land and there is still much to discover ... That's what we love.

Mag. Dr. Bardia Monshi (GF iVip OG / Institut für Vitalpsychologie,

I started my own business immediately after graduating. I now run two companies that focus on workplace design and the assessment of work-related psychological stress. My colleagues and I help organizations design appropriate work tasks, create efficient processes, and build and maintain a healthy culture. The scientific basis of our psychology studies enables us to meet the high quality standards of consulting and sets us apart from other professions.

Mag. Veronika Jakl (Founder and CEO of Arbeitspsychologie Jakl,, and eval IT GmbH,

Mag. Veronika Jakl

Portrait: Mag. Jutta Gatternig. Sie trägt einen Pferdeschwanz.

After working for an international IT company in the field of PE/Management Development, I became self-employed at the age of 45 and currently work as a work and organizational psychology consultant, coach and psychotherapist in private practice. I am especially grateful to be able to bring my many years of experience in the field of work and organizational psychology to coaching and psychotherapy.

Mag. Jutta Gatternig (Gatternig Consulting,

My work in organizational and human resource development, as well as my role as a leadership trainer, allows me to combine social and individual psychological concepts. I enjoy making people and organizations more successful.

Mag. Dieter Bernold (Managing Partner, ARGO,

Portrait: Mag. Dieter Bernold. Er trägt einen Anzug mit roter Krawatte.

Eine Frau mit verschränkten Armen, einem bunten Schal, sonst formelle Kleidung.

In practice, it is not the third interaction that counts, but the basic statement of each theory. The successful psychologist is the one who can explain a psychological theory simply and in a way that everyone can understand. In everyday life, it is often a matter of common sense that puts psychology as a science in the background. So it is all the more gratifying to realize that even simple and seemingly well-known psychological theories still have an effect in practice and trigger a quiet aha moment. Market research is exciting because every client and every project is different and challenging.

Dr. Mag. Katja Meier-Pesti (CEO, wissma Marktforschungs GmbH,

As managing director of a management consultancy, my team and I support companies and organizations in the development and successful implementation of strategies. Under the motto "We combine science and practice", our focus is on the preparation and application of current scientific findings in practice and on our own scientific research. [...] My solid psychological education at the University of Vienna is the basis for this and provides me with the skills and knowledge that I use on a daily basis.

Dr. Mag. Markus Ebner (

Dr. Markus Ebner, Portraitfoto. Er trägt ein eierschalen-farbenes Hemd, eine feine Brille sowie einen Dreitagebart.